Rescues (Power of Sale Escape) - Up to 85% Loan-to-Value (LTV)

Rescues (Power of Sale Escape) - up to 85% LTV
This is probably the most challenging deals we handle.
- If your client is in the power of sale stage, it is extremely important to find out the current pay out amounts, including all legal fees, and a time we must transact on before the more fees are added and derail the deal.
- We will pay off all existing mortgage in default, judgments, collections and writs, tax arrears, consumer debts and consumer proposal, leaving a minimum of 10% equity to be held in escrow for a high ratio re-purchase in the future.
- Income requirement is four times income to house value.
Closing cost in advance before the offer becomes firm:
- $375 and Up for Appraisal
- $600 and Up for File Activation Fee (when live, we pull title and personal search)
- $475 Home Inspection
- $300 Independent Legal Advice

Closing cost deducted from proceeds through a letter of direction:
- 10% Equity
- 1.5% Consulting Fee
- 1% Broker Fee for You
- Collections, Writs, Judgments, Debts to be Paid Out from Proceeds
- $1,950 and Up for Credit Management